The initiative is non-assumption of Taoism, Lao-Tse claimed that exceeds not any obstacle could be doing. In Western culture inactivity is an enemy, there is no longer the courage to indulge in the Roman sense: the solitary and contemplative life has become abnormal, the time is almost all the work and the gaps are already covered by social needs Pre-Designed by the company and free time are needed to the system for purely economic logic of the market, and who is not working should star consuming. It 's a trap. The otium to Latin literature. Being masters of themselves not pushing through the crowd to avoid being ingested into the system is pleasure to express myself moving between meditation and reading the time off from daily encounters with people from annoying cocky, contact with nature is awakening and asceticism . The Romans considered the lazy update of ancestral memory of the classics, live in the blood of deep reflection, Petrarch also argued this in his life De Lone, in which he invited to enjoy the fruits of solitude and intense bond with his ego being in contact with the primordial nature. Living without the deceptions of modernity, winning, in the words Battiato, the horizontal line of matter, means introspective, declining the time and the courage with idleness, with the eastern noluttà dell'elogiarsi. an empty space on the agenda today is a source of panic, not of happiness, for thinking themselves the truth could prove a dangerous slide into the precipice, not-doing has direct causative link with depression, is a paradox of ' modern West, is a revived Aristotelian dell'uroboro. The island of tranquility is the opposite of what should, ergo the obstacle course of modernity could be a way to ride the emptiness: the human type is modern bourgeois enterprising active lives in the frenzy of consumption in the extreme materialism, hypocrisy rampant in anything, this is a direct consequence of the free society in which freedom is second to having the individual is a commodity. The company's liquid Bauman mean the loss of the criteria of relevance, the product becomes living and economic production: the man is in the contract. Bauman took possession of the product in a social status: the system continually creates dissatisfaction in the consumer in order to encourage him to run stores to find the latest model of the product more fashionable. Descended into hell while Faust yearned eternity of the moment. We must therefore whether it has come at a time when you are trying to base the world on freedom, but slavery. The dichotomy is between freedom and happiness: What's especially? Within this question lies the destiny of man. Fyodor Dostoevsky taught us that "it is the freedom to make the man." Freedom is too difficult to understand with common means for this creative source of wonder and basically invincible. The man must also yearn for the unhappiness, desire against itself. Freedom is always rebellion against any established order that is subrogated to the mystery on the question of meaning. Only freedom and revolution. The modern West that imposing a rational order to the existing, however, it becomes real only at the price of the individual, ergo massif: what, in this sense, it is dystopian. The promise of happiness, according to Dostoevsky is the substance of slavery. The order, to eradicate freedom, must incardinated endemically in the socio-cultural mechanisms, the economy must be strictly planned and work together with it as well as leisure and creativity. This, according to the extraordinary Dostoevsky, can only be achieved and undermined the qualitative value of the individual. Huxley's novel Brave New World, presented a slave society in a rigid and perfect established order and at the same time happy that by amending the definition of "humanity" and a rigid manipulation of individual will, individuals are programmed as the modern PC, trained to want what they are indoctrinated. Individuals of "individual" have nothing: they are perfectly similar to each other and become robots. The system aims to undo the very revolutionary, rebellious, social stability and lack of differentiation of individuals, society is flat. Huxley's novel of 1932, I do not deviate too much from our society ultracapitalista notorious and fast. It should ride, first of all be mechanisms of narrow and precise, but never perfect in the modern world. You should be "men-book" Fahrenheit 451: "A minority of miserable crying in the wilderness." That group of men who, in the dystopian society envisioned by Ray Bradbury, in which there were firemen to burn books to eliminate the culture in an imaginary world in which he was only allowed to watch TV system, each had to memorize a book and called themselves the titles of the texts as they remembered. They had a specific function heroic fight against the approval.
books as well as on the website are available at the library BOOK SHOP Corso della Repubblica 7 / 9 62199 Macerata tel. 0733.2300 4 6 from November 10 to 10% discount and free shipping
volumes of the series The view of the war to
Heroes and Inglourious Basterds
The vision of the Nazi-Fascist War in film and documentary (from Rossellini to Spielberg to Tarantino by Lanzmann)
Tarantino's film has inspired this title. But our focus will be on "Heroes without glory" anti-heroes, men and simple women, children denied childhood heroes (the children sleep often among the first victims of all dictators and all wars). "Heroes and Inglourious Basterds" is a rundown on the film titles and more representative of the deportation of Nazi-Fascist dictatorship: the films of Rossellini those of Pontecorvo's film, Benigni and Faenza masterpieces by Visconti, Pasolini, Wenders, etc.. The second section is devoted to the films of Spielberg and production of digital archive of his Foundation. The third offers the TV fiction and the fourth is a reconnaissance of the film-documentaries with chapters devoted to Lanzmann and Resnais.
Memory guarantees of freedom
told stories of deportations from the Italian military internees and other stories of captivity in the Marche
(document interviews, war diaries and archives on-line mapping)
A multimedia journey into the vision of war through the memory of former deportees. Diaries, documents and reflections on the deportation and imprisonment of IMI Italian military internees. With two chapters devoted to Pasolini (his brother's death: an Italian story within the story) and Claudio Magris with his speech in the Quirinale for Memorial Day 2009. In this first volume offers a section on new media with a mapping web sites, archives and downloadable video on YouTube. The reader can also access an online archive ( that contains eleven interviews with people who have been deported. Those interested may request a DVD
Theatre of Memory
Samuel Beckett, Thomas Bernhard, Renato Sarti, Giorgio Strehler, Moni Ovadia, Arnoldo Foa, Ascanio Celestini, Marco Paolini - The case of Fo / Albertazzi
A journey through the drama and video production in the theater of some protagonists of our contemporary scene, beginning with Beckett (and his commitment to the French Resistance) to Giorgio Strehler and Paolo Grassi, who built the Piccolo Teatro di Milano in the former barracks Muti place of imprisonment and torture, by Thomas Bernhard (with his piece played by Valeria Moriconi) Renato Sarti, authors describe the anxiety with sarcasm and intolerance among the folds of human history, Arnoldo Foa Italian Jew Jew Sephardic laughs and sings Moni Ovadia, the stories of Roman Celestini with the massacre of street Rasella, the sergeant Rigoni Stern and Paolini.
A reflection on the "case Fo / Albertazzi" to understand human history and the soul in times of war.
Necklace Multimedia Communication
Information / Entertainment Truth / Fiction
Puliani Massimo and Alessandro Forlani
ISBN 978-88-97045-02-1
There is a kind of show that feeds on information, news, politics? There is a case Marco Paolini? Or rather, referring to a phenomenology Theatre Paolini on TV? Why this media interest in respect of an actor whose poetry has always been marked by a story-telling style, which combines narrative sensibility, civic and linguistic creativity? "Paolini Report" is a unique reflection of media scholars and journalists on the Television Theatre in Marco Paolini.
Interviews: Ilvo Diamonds Milena Gabanelli Giovanna Marini Marco Paolini
(the DVD can be requested from interested parties and contains three interviews with Diamonds, Gabanelli and Marini, and the keynote address delivered by Paolini in Macerata in 2006 - The cost of the DVD is € 5)
For Release
the conversion of the multimedia theater in tv: De Filippo, Carmelo Bene, Ronconi, Beckett, Barberio Corsetti, Paolini.
Massimo Puliani
Which theater on TV? This is the first applicant, the application. Adaptation, translation / betrayal, reproducibility or reinvention of the dramaturgy for the video? Multimedia and interactivity of language codes different but converging or new language independent?
And the extraordinary potential that new technology will increasingly come from encouraging research and development write-in video-play? From these initial questions arises the importance of multiplying the opportunities for reflection, analysis and study of the theatrical language in the new multimedia technologies .
APPLICATIONS OF THE DIGITAL AGE WEB 2.0 New ways to manage information and reports on the Internet
Matteo Catani
Massimo Puliani
ISBN 978-88-97045-07-6
With Web 2.0, the history of the Internet has taken a further step: the Internet user is becoming a more advanced user, which modulates its navigation information between loops and complex applications (Stand- Alone or Web Application) or simple and intuitive interface (User frendly). All are enabled to publish content in various blogs on the web, from the Flickr photo, YouTube or Vimeo for video, who does not enter into the various internet is so out of this system to become active citizens millions of users. How do I get the access codes to this new way of information and relationships? The book is an overview of this change by analyzing the evolution of the Internet and providing, as a small manual, the basics that new users of Web 2.0 would need to know.
With DVD video containing some of the works of Beckett
Massimo Alessandro Forlani Puliani
ISBN 978-88-75891 - 50-3
I n the occasion of the centenary of Samuel Beckett (04/13/2006) original reconnaissance media criticism of his work, created by a warning of a breaking point, impatience the boundaries of page and stage. It collects contributions of a critical (including one written of his cameraman), testimonies and analysis directing, acting and drama of those who have worked and still working on the work Beckett using multimedia.
Polyvision stage of Josef Svoboda .
With Video CD which shows scenes of Macerata made by Svoboda
Massimo Alessandro Forlani Puliani ISBN 978-88-75891-51-0
" SvobodaMagika "tells three historic theatrical scenic wonders of the master of Josef Svoboda:" Intolerance 1960 "," Faust / Fragments I and Part II "and" La Traviata ". The work of this "scientist craftsman" is illustrated both through critical contributions (including a contribution of Ida De Benedictis), or through the testimony of the designer himself (interviewed by Franco Pictures) and those who have had the honor of working beside him (Giorgio Strehler, Luigi Nono, Henning Brockhaus), and by two critical reviews of Giulio Carlo Argan and Eugenio Montale.
Theatre Giorgio Gaber: text, representation, model. With DVD contains a reconstruction of "Waiting for Godot" with Gaber through photos of Enrique Scalfari
Massimo Puliani
Alessandro Forlani
Valeria Buss
ISBN 978-88-9920-30-5
's work, focusing on writing stage Gaber and interpretations that occurred after the death of the author / actor, is an investigation into the drama of Gaber / Luporini. The first part will be taken into consideration the historical dramas and composition. The text also explores the relationship of Giorgio Gaber with the work of Samuel Beckett, which led to the enactment in 1990. In the second part of the book, which collects contributions from his directors, actors, theater critics, we face the problem of representing today "without Gaber Gaber" through trial performances of actors and directors.