technical means freedom. Inventiveness, creativity and transgression are the watchwords of Technology. Nothing conformism, no liabilities: the growth and progress "technical" demand enthusiasm for change. The tradition, the ancient customs, the values \u200b\u200bof the past must be continually challenged, only the dispute paves the way for the technical development. Freedom, freedom, everything is possible, nothing is forbidden. "If I have, I can," read the old moral imperative. "If I can, I have to," reads the new imperative "technical". Morality is a handicap: the technique is beyond good and evil. It does not tolerate intrusion of the old moral values \u200b\u200bof the old: it is to dictate the tables of the new law. And his is the law of absolute freedom, freedom unlimited. Everyone can hear the music you want, wear the clothes you like, eat foods that taste, adhere to trends, philosophies, cults more bizarre: the same technique to produce the necessary items and gadgets in this pluralism, this diversification. The Technique wants to critical minds, open, malleable, free from old prejudices, the old certainties, the unshakable beliefs. The world is constantly moving, constantly changing, constantly fibrillation: mobility, flexibility and liquidity. The search is free, and the science is clear: he who hesitates is lost! Everyone can and must change idea, work and wife every three years! Even more free than that ... love is free guides to sexual and contraceptive techniques are available to all. As well as courses in technical communication, group dynamics, self-knowledge and awareness of one's own self, because social relationships are also free! short, the technique makes us free: it provides us with everything. So free, that we should not do anything: it has already chosen it. We just have to record its decisions to certify the effectiveness, the best feature of this option or the other that it has fielded. Because the technique is indeed free, independent, Neutral. And its neutrality, our neutrality is against it. Becomes more autonomous and more his "indifference" towards us increases: we do what we want, what we like, the choice will always be "technical". Every innovation, every change will be another brick, another milestone for the development of the system, the growth apparatus. Our ideas, our tastes and our choices do not involve other effect and any meaning other than to confirm and advance the technology itself. Why options between "technical" there is little choice: the most effective can only impose itself by itself. The nonconformity, the complaint are only lights that indicate the misuse of technology, the options that do not work, the risk of stagnation of the system. Every challenge, every struggle, every contrast have only nature "technique: a technical power can be opposed only one other technical power, a better technique. The technology frees us then, as the ethics policy and to be freed at the end of our own: no more moral choices, political choices, personal choices: there are choices only "technical." And 'the apotheosis of freedom, the apotheosis of irresponsibility. Is there anyone, the technique, which chooses for us what you want?
Ludovico Di Stefano Photo: Massimiliano Scalisi
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