Thursday, September 23, 2010

China Drinking Statistics


When I think what has difficult with the help of the best teachers in this carefully prepared and excellent philological accumulated over the centuries to reach a proper understanding true, accurate and living the Greek and Roman authors whose languages \u200b\u200bare those of our predecessors while in Europe and Language mothers still living, and that instead the Sanskrit is a language that was spoken a thousand and more years ago in India far as the means to learn it are now very imperfect, and then I will give you the impression that they add up to me, taken from very rare exceptions, the translations of Sanskrit by European scholars, can not fail to suspect that our Indians did not intend their texts much better than that children in our schools means the Greek texts, and that, because they are intelligent and learned men, not boys, recomposed by what means the overall sense in a very roughly, of course not without insinuate something of their own. [...]

If I reflect on the other hand that the sultan Mohammed Darshakoh, Aureng-brother of Zeb, who was born and raised in India, had exercised his education and his thinking through the Sanskrit language that he had to be so familiar to us as the Latin, and that he had more employees in a number of learned Brahmins, that's enough already to make me advance in high review of his Persian translation of the Upanishads . And if you think more with what profound reverence appropriate to the subject, Anquetil du Perron is this Persian translation, making Latin word for word, faithfully preserved in spite of Latin grammar and syntax Persian leaving the Sanskrit words untranslated so left by the Sultan to give an explanation only in the glossary, I can not read this translation with the most perfect confidence, which is soon to read the most comforting confirmation. How deeply because it breathes the spirit of the sacred Veda ! How deeply he that with a careful reading has become familiar to the Persian-Latin of this incomparable book, feels penetrated by the same spirit! Each line will have its meaning precise, safe and generally well-chained together: they speak to us from every page deep thoughts, original and high, while hovering over all, a sacred and solemn gravity. Everything here breathes the air of India and takes us to a life closer to the origins and nature. And as here the spirit is purified from all superstitions Jewish imprinted in it from childhood and all the philosophies that are slaves! It is reading more fruitful and more ennobling that (except the original text) is possible in the world, it was the solace of my life and will be the solace of my death.

(A. Schopenhauer, Religion and Morality , Murcia, Milan, 1981, pp. 350-351)


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