Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mangal Shani In Lagna Kundli


The Parent Massimo Dampierre
After the presentation of 2011 budget estimate shows a clear fact: asylum parish, which for years has bypassed the absence of the state not receive any special contribution, which creates additional difficulties in the structure that already was in a precarious financial state.
Immediately minorities jointly submitted three amendments in order to recover an amount that at least approaching that need asylum in order to survive.
Group Board Lega Nord Padania - New Bellinzago its part intervened offers 22 small cuts on various chapters of the estimates, aligning them to the actual costs incurred in 2009.
The Parent Massimo Dampierre explains
"The voices that we have not reduced impact on the services they offer by the City of nationality, an example is the subscription to the newspaper that the City has also set an example for civic we also proposed a reduction of 10% of salaries to the Mayor, to Councillors and municipal councilors. "
Now we will see if the Administration really has the will to save this property now inherent in the history of the country, since it was last year the City has applied a reduction of 6000 €, now we can only hope that the proposals for the recovery of funds for minorities to be acolytes.

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JARI GLUE: FLAG DAY AND LOMBARDY, finally recognized the equal dignity 'to our history.

Regional Councillor Jari Colla
on the approval by the Regional Council of the agenda of the Northern League, which commits the Government to establish Day and Flag of Lombardy is the Director of the Northern League intervened in the Lombardy Region, Jari Colla.

With this agenda, also voted by the opposition, the League has obtained an important result: the Lombardy region will finally have its own flag and their own party.
The flag most natural for Lombardy - Colla explains - is the one with the Cross of St. George, the red cross on a white field that tradition is found on the Northern League pennant at the Battle of Legnano. This is a recurring symbol in many coats of arms of municipalities of Lombardy and is an important moment of unity of our people.
As for the party instead, the best hypothesis expected to be held May 29 in memory of the historic battle of Legnano in 1176. This event is crucial in our history: it was the first occasion on which the free citizens of our municipalities joined in the alliance of the Lombard League, right under the flag of St George, they won and their common enemy, the Holy Roman Emperor Frederick "Barbarossa", which would remove the autonomy and freedom of the Lombard cities had enjoyed until then.
This recognition - concluded glue - it is necessary to the full development of our secular culture Lombard, who certainly has an equal than the national, and that in practice constitutes the very essence of our daily way of dealing with life everyday. "

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Clorox Tablets Dangerous For Pipes


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Canned Green Beans Sparking

Пётр Ильич Чайковский

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Red Sore Spots In Mouth

foresters in the South: in Trentino 1 / 10 OF FORESTRY COMPARED TO SICILY AND CALABRIA!

But how many of today's forest in Calabria? According to the Regional Minister of Agriculture Mario Pirillo are "9600, all employees on permanent contracts with employment contracts hydraulic-forestry" . Depend dall'Afor (Regional Forestry Company), a commissioner for some time (in 2004 the Northern League's Roberto Calderoli offered to manage this, then nothing came of it not) and cost around € 240 million, of which 80 out of the region. Not to mention, the union leader Carmelo Nucera complaint, that "lack of € 80 million in unpaid social security contributions and severance pay INPS dall'Afor not shelved." The Prodi government in the budget approved blood and tears at the end of 2006 he settled 160. "Our reasons were accepted," he declared then the governor of Calabria, Agazio Loiero.

threshold "politics" of the maximum number of forest was still set at just over 10 thousand units. A roof provided by the EU parameters, in fact, that identifies in up to 57 hectares (about 75 football fields regulations, nda), the "action area" of each worker. Calabria has seen that 600 thousand hectares of forested area, the calculation is easily done. Despite the deployment of forces, however, every year in Calabria fires sent smoke into 20 thousand hectares of forest. This year alone, the fires have been 761. In Trentino Alto Adige, which boasts a wooded area equal to that of Sicily and Calabria combined, is the lowest percentage of forest fires. And there's forest workers are little more than a thousand.

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Over the past two years the number of unemployed in Italy rose from 1.7 million in 2008 to over 2 million in 2010. The increase was included for the component units 281 000 104 000 Italian and foreign visitors, with a percentage change greater than 60%, concentrated mainly in the first year of crisis. Smaller but significant extent, the growth of the Italian component (+18.4%) in the first year of crisis has seen 62.6% of the layoffs. And 'what emerges from the Report on' immigration in Italy presented today by Labour Minister Maurizio Sacconi, and the Director General of Immigration Ministry of Labour, Natale Forlani. Without a doubt, the males are more affected by the crisis. In fact, the increase in people seeking employment is 34.6% between 2008 and 2010, up from 11, 6% reported by females. Percentage change that becomes significant between foreign +101.5% and +37.9% respectively for males and females, compared with 28.7% and 8, 4% of Italians. The increase of foreigners seeking work is supported by a consistent increase in the unemployment rate.
In Italy, according to Istat, the budget crisis in two years (2009 and 2010) indicates a loss of 554 thousand jobs (created for more than two thirds in the first year), broken down into a drop of Italian workers equal to about 863 000 units (-4.0%) and immigrant employment growth of 309 thousand units (+17.6%). Add to that the decline in the employment rate, the increase in the unemployment rate and the number of people looking for employment for both Italians and foreigners. Between 2008 and 2010, compared to a slight decline in population Italian aged 15 and over (-63 thousand, -0.1%), there was a significant increase in the foreign (+626 thousand, +24.4%). These demographic trends are pour on employment in different ways. In the case of the Italians, the decrease in the number of employees (-863 thousand) is accompanied by the increase of the unemployed (+281 thousand) and inactive (+519 thousand). In the case of foreign population increase flows in each of the three clusters: Occupied (+309 thousand), unemployed (+104 thousand) and inactive (+213 thousand).

Article by Paul Holland.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Old Tarnished Mirrors


Elton John concert in Naples: the EU wants back € 720 000

upheld the complaint by the League Borghezio: the City did not have to use development funds for the cachet

Naples Mayor Rosa Russo Iervolino Democratic Party
NAPLES - Settecentoventimila €. It is the figure that the European Union has asked the town of Naples as reimbursement for the Elton John concert last September 11. The decision was announced by the spokesman of the Commissioner for Regional Policy, Johannes Hahn.

THE CITY OF NAPLES - should be successful, therefore, the complaint by the League Mario Borghezio, a few weeks ago asked the Commission to verify whether any part of the artist's compensation came from European funds. According to the Commission the Elton John concert in Piazza Plebiscito Piedigrotta for 2009 "project was a short-term and ephemeral that it was not the EU Operational Programme which is aimed at long-term investment." Naples City Council is therefore invited to deduct from 2.25 million € of the regional development fund the € 720 000 used for the cachet of the British.

Montagnola (LEAGUE): PAY local politicians - "It's a shame that EU funding to regional development of Campania have been used by local administrators of the time for the concert by Elton John. It is fitting then that is their own pockets to pay the reimbursement sought by the EU. " It is the commentary of Alessandro Montagnoli, deputy chairman of the Members of the Northern League.

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Resolution shock: under 662 000 €
Bassolino allocated to finance a project eco-sustainability in the Caribbean

The garbage crisis in Naples.
From that pulpit: Campania want to teach to the collection of Caribbean States: Cuba, Dominican Republic, Haiti. The same region who is serving an eternal waste emergency, such as labor of Sisyphus, under Bassolino has allocated € 662mila of European funds to send consultants in Central America. Their job, in brief, is to explain the policies of environmental sustainability to Cubans and Haitians. Urca. As if the engineers of British Petroleum, in the middle of tragedy in Louisiana, go to conferences to discuss solutions to the oil disaster.

A significant number (one billion old lire) provided by the old regional council by an ordinance passed in San Silvestro, 31 December 2009, a few hours after dinner and fireworks. Specifically: the executive decree number 214 is the general coordination of the economic development of the sector 12. Title: "Commitment to the European project co-financing resources for Caribbean Sustainable waste management for a better life 'or, translated from English, the management of eco-friendly policies (waste) to the Caribbean to improve the quality of life. Size in favor of poor countries within the regional plan-Paser the center of heated controversy for the advice - under the heading "Promoting the production system at national and international levels".

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Openkore Poseidon Server


The Regional Councillor Stefano Bolognini
"face of the emergency refugee and appeal of the Interior Ministry, the Province of Milan responds with high availability to enable the volunteers of the Civil Protection. The state commissioner for the Security of the Province of Milan, Stefano Bolognini. "The Civil Defence of the Province - he adds - is ready to take action where it is necessary to intervene in support of the institutions that could make available facilities for the reception of refugees landed in Sicily."

Monday, February 21, 2011

Invitation Wording About 3

JARI GLUE: "Change the law 12. MOSQUES: Decide COMMON"

Regional Councillor Jari Colla
With regard to the new standards in content related to the regional law 12, in the field of cultural centers with religious purposes, spoke The Director of the Northern League, Jari Colla.

"With changes to the Regional Law 12/2005, - said adhesive - will not be possible in the towns of Lombardy, freely establish places of worship disguised as cultural centers.
cultural centers with religious purpose are finally treated to real places of worship and therefore will remain with the municipal government to provide for the possibility or not to grant them spots. The plan will in fact during the drafting of PGT (Plan of Government of the Territory), giving mayors the opportunity to decide on the merits.
By this measure - says Colla - we put a stop to this phenomenon more and more popular and processing of industrial unit, basements or cellars, in real mosques, with all the inconveniences that this situation means in terms of livability, safety and viability of entire neighborhoods.
From today - concludes Glue - Lombard mayors know that if they will authorize the construction of an Islamic place of worship must take political responsibility for doing so. And the citizens and voters, of course, will take account of. "

Friday, February 11, 2011

Up Close Brazilian Wax

Their away part corresponded to mercury and bromine. Massimiliano SCALISI


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Walkie-talkie Phrases Protocol


The City Council Massimo Dampierre
In recent weeks we received some reports of to shed water.
Councillor Massimo Dampierre explains
"How to relate some people it would seem that many people do not live in Bellinzago, and in some cases even other restaurateurs countries, use the service of water distribution activities in the last year.
It 's true that water is a primary good, but it is equally true that annual maintenance costs the house of water, which is around € 8000, supports them in common bellinzaghese offer a service to the community.
Obviously we could not make an on asking for the identities of the people, but our community is made up of nearly 4000 people and inevitably you know, so we are led to believe that an element of truth about this notification to be.
To make sure that what we just said does not occur again, propose in the next city council the application of a badge reader for the Regional Services Card in order to deliver water only to citizens of Bellinzago only a card inserted in this more proposal could also provide a distribution over 24 hours because 24 would not occur moments of waste water at night. "

For now, the Northern League suggests this type of intervention to the water box, but expect that the motion is also extended to the future ecological island also restrict them to the service to residents , since even then the cost will be borne by the Municipality.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Men Wearing Womens Underclothes

Bukowski, The Genius of mass

There is enough treachery, hatred, violence
, Absurdity in the human

to supply any given army on any

and the Best
murder are those who preach against.

and the Best at hate are those who preach

are those who preach PEACE

Those who preach God
NEED of God

those who preach peace do not have peace.

those who preach love
have no love

Beware the wise. Beware

To those who


attentive to those who detest O
poverty or are proud of

attentive to those ready to praise
As they change their need for praise in

A LOOK Those ready to censure:
They fear those who do not know

attentive to those who are constantly trying
the crowd alone are not

Men Women
Municipalities Municipalities
attentive to their
Love Theirs is' Love City, which aims to mediocrity

but there is genius in their hatred there is enough genius in
They hate
kill, to kill anyone
. Not wanting

Loneliness Loneliness did not conceive
attempt to destroy
All That

differing from themselves, not knowing

Create Art
not understand

They will consider their failure as creators

Just as a failure

not being able to love fully


and their hatred will be perfect
Shining like a diamond

like a knife like a mountain like a tiger

AS Hemlock

their art
More Refined.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Ottawa Swimwear Store


Following our request to illuminate Belgiojoso park because of repeated thefts in the area Controversial from some residents, Administration of Bellinzago has accepted our proposal and now on at night the lights of the park will be activated.
Despite the League's proposal to accept the advice Dampierre says
"I am delighted that common sense has prevailed since the Enlightenment is the primary form of deterrent to theft, but we expect more attention from ' Directors in finding solutions to the presence of as many as 12 elements in the Council and therefore theoretically more likely to understand the needs of the country, however the important thing 'that now the citizens have turned to us to feel more safe and meets .

Ideas For Shortening Curtains

I am a traitor.

An Tonio Di Pietro said: "Who is against the unification of Italy is a traitor." I am a traitor. Italy and better life was to pre-unification. Towns of Italy, the Republic Marinate, the Grand Duchy. Italy-workshop where, with the emergence, in Florence and Piacenza, a strong class of merchants (entrepreneurs who are now called) began Modernity. Italy's great literature, Dante, Petrarch, Cavalcanti, Boccaccio, Ariosto and Tasso and right up to Foscolo, Manzoni, Leopardi. Italy's great art, Piero della Francesca, Paolo Uccello, Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael, Botticelli, Caravaggio, Titian and Tiepolo. Italy cathedrals, churches, parishes, villages and its unique landscape (now widely and uniformly foul) that are also the reasons why foreign tourists are still with us.

United Italy, from a cultural perspective, he still had a good time at the beginning of the twentieth century, with the latest trends, the great age of magazines, La Voce, La Ronda, La Cerba, Leonardo and fascism where we were during the first an area in which modern industrial design. The Second World War, cinema and apart a few exceptions, it is better to draw a veil.

Politically united Italy made two wars. A change to won it, the other was wrong and he lost an ally in the most ignominious way splitting, in this case, the country in two. Piazzale Loreto remains, symbolically and practically, an indelible disgrace. After the war, apart from the euphoria reconstruction (it's easy to be happy when you saved the skin), it was a disaster, especially since the late sixties. We are the only country to have four gangs (the strict sense, the Camorra, the 'Ndrangheta, the Sacra Corona Unita), the top places for corruption, emptied of any content that is not material and any value that does not God is the penny. What we should celebrate, President Napolitano?

The nation-state, like every human construction, is not eternal. He had his operation in a given historical period. He was born in Europe, for reasons of defense and economic harm, because the multitude of duties that free market that was just then taking hold. But today, in Europe, no nation state is so big and strong enough to ensure its own defense, nor so small and cohesive to be able to respond to the needs of identity that, in the era of globalization, has become increasingly compelling. In terms of trade not only there are no duties, but in Europe, not borders.

When Europe is politically united nation states will lose all reason for being. His reference points are no longer peripheral states, but the "macro", ie geographic areas economically, socially, culturally and climatically cohesive, which will also exceed current national boundaries (you do not see why they should not join, for example, the Savoy and the Valle d'Aosta, with the Tyrol and Trentino Alto Adige, the Riviera di Ponente and the Riviera and Provence).

Those who go are so gloriously to celebrate 150 years of dying institution.

Massimo Fini

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ball Gown Dresses To Rent Under £40


Regional Councillor Fabrizio Cecchetti
"Reform - Cecchetti says - attempt to escape the insane logic of a university system designed as a large social safety net to be used for the creation of jobs for relatives and friends. The university, but in general the school has the task of forming young people by providing adequate capacity for their rapid into the world of work. This measure fits the criteria of rationalization against unnecessary expenses, which are the main cause of insufficient funding for universities virtuous, especially in the North.
To give some figures - continues Cecchetti - according to the report of the Evaluation Committee of the University System of 2009, approximately 370 degree programs with fewer than 10 registered, a figure equal to more than 10% of total. This confirms the fears expressed repeatedly by the League in recent years: there has been a proliferation of uncontrolled spending centers and this has happened not as a function of increased quality of service and only only to reduce unemployment of someone, especially in the South. There are cases in which patronage and cooptation of relatives reach levels really embarrassing. An example is that for the University of Bari, where about 176 teachers even 42, or 25%, has family ties to at least one other professor of the university. The case is unfortunately not the only Puglia, but it is certainly the most indicative of a truly shameful situation. "
" The protests in recent days - concludes Cecchetti - were created in art and fueled by those who would keep the system under these conditions, fully aware that only with the inaction certain privileges will be safeguarded. "

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Broken Capillaries Upper Back


Regional Councillor Fabrizio Cecchetti
" Sunday is closing day - comment on the Board - and it is good to keep it that, for reasons related to our Christian tradition, that issues relating to sacred rest of the workers. In addition there are also purely economic reasons: a proposal of this kind can only put in a position of distinct disadvantage small bakers, going instead to encourage supermarkets and major retail chains. The latter fact has the means to enable it to stay open all day, put the knee in neighborhood shops. This is the quickest way to send a strain on small family run business, because of the unfair competition of the great centers, they will be forced at an unsustainable rate. The homemade bread, also should be enhanced in so many other ways: protection of products of superior workmanship, created in the traditional way, should be a priority for those who care about the future of trade in quality.
We therefore believe that it is a forward looking, if not towards those who already have too many advantages. In fact there is a suspicion that such a measure can serve as the "Trojan horse" for something bigger: we start by giving the right to produce and sell bread on holidays, and then arrive at the opening Sunday of other activities including indiscriminate . All this, of course, to the detriment of small shops that will be crushed by anonymous armored commercial vehicles with more powerful available.
Maullu should remember that the commissioner "Trade" and not "shopping malls". How Northern League We strongly oppose this proposal and therefore we ask him to stop protecting only and only large retailers, starting to do something concrete for the preservation and promotion of neighborhood shops, where product quality and professionalism of the operators are certainly a higher level. "

Sunday, January 30, 2011

How Do You Put Ribbon On A Moccasin?


Stefano Bolognini Councillor for Security of the Province of Milan
Milan Provincial Police conducted an operation evacuation of nomads Idroscalo. Twenty
trailer Roma of English and French had occupied illegally parking near the entrance of East Point last Sunday. It was about one hundred nomads in fifty children. The same convoy had stopped Idroscalo two years ago.
The eviction was carried out in collaboration with local police and the police of Segrate San Donato.
"We intervened when was the deadline set by order of the Mayor of Segrate in which the nomads were invited to leave - said the Councillor for Security of the Province of Milan Stefano Bolognini - to prevent, as happened in past, they stopped for nearly two months, moreover, using Improperly all services in the province. This is an important result of the operation result of our monitoring agents on the ground in defense of the law. "

Reflux In Babies And Projectile Vomiting


Regional Councillor Fabrizio Cecchetti
"Unfortunately this is a survey that shows something well known: the South is assigned to exactly half of disability benefits, despite a resident of only 28% of pensioners. Paradoxically, the North instead, it is only 31% of disability pensions, compared with 53% of the total.
front of the eloquence of these figures certainly do not need an expert to say that something is wrong in the mechanism. The data are even more alarming when compared with those of other regions of the country. Lombardy, for example, accounts for 9% of the total, while Puglia, with less than half of the inhabitants, more than 10%.
What is most surprising though - Cecchetti continues - is the awkward silence of the opposition which, in Lombardy, were certainly not parsimonious in their criticism than cuts made by central government. Then one would wonder why these professionals do not behave as such indignation in the face of those who are the real evils of the country and forcing regions such as Lombardy virtuous to suffer serious consequences.
"I hope - Cecchetti concludes - in the early implementation of the federal reform that would make the people of Lombardy what rightly belongs, namely the ability to have adequate services to the money paid in taxes to the state. Moreover, fiscal federalism is the only instrument that can introduce those basic principles of real responsibility that will put an end to situations shameful for the country whose costs are fully paid by honest citizens. "

Is Abercrombie Open In Roseville Galleria?

A poem ... 7/12/2010

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Operations Repo Lilli Putter

Belgiojoso prevent theft!

a result of repeated thefts occurred in the vicinity of Park Belgiojoso, some people have turned to Northern League and the Council to ask the administration Massimo Dampierre switching of the lighting of the park at night.
Given the sensitivity of the issue we now we have filed with the Municipal offices (without waiting for the Council) a document supporting the request has come down from the citizens because the reports informal in the past had not been heard as some residents have said.
We wonder how it is possible that in an area where there has been a high number of thefts has never been done to improve lighting, because you can define the primary form of deterrent to crime.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Roxy's Bridesmaid Dresseastenders

Celiac Disease: Training to produce fresh and dried pasta without gluten

We can offer fresh pasta laboratories, vocational training to produce fresh pasta without gluten. If you want to know more, ask for specific information. We would be honored to meet your needs. Massimo Parisi