Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Broken Capillaries Upper Back


Regional Councillor Fabrizio Cecchetti
" Sunday is closing day - comment on the Board - and it is good to keep it that, for reasons related to our Christian tradition, that issues relating to sacred rest of the workers. In addition there are also purely economic reasons: a proposal of this kind can only put in a position of distinct disadvantage small bakers, going instead to encourage supermarkets and major retail chains. The latter fact has the means to enable it to stay open all day, put the knee in neighborhood shops. This is the quickest way to send a strain on small family run business, because of the unfair competition of the great centers, they will be forced at an unsustainable rate. The homemade bread, also should be enhanced in so many other ways: protection of products of superior workmanship, created in the traditional way, should be a priority for those who care about the future of trade in quality.
We therefore believe that it is a forward looking, if not towards those who already have too many advantages. In fact there is a suspicion that such a measure can serve as the "Trojan horse" for something bigger: we start by giving the right to produce and sell bread on holidays, and then arrive at the opening Sunday of other activities including indiscriminate . All this, of course, to the detriment of small shops that will be crushed by anonymous armored commercial vehicles with more powerful available.
Maullu should remember that the commissioner "Trade" and not "shopping malls". How Northern League We strongly oppose this proposal and therefore we ask him to stop protecting only and only large retailers, starting to do something concrete for the preservation and promotion of neighborhood shops, where product quality and professionalism of the operators are certainly a higher level. "


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