Thursday, December 23, 2010

Mark 12 Brake Controller

DAMPIERRE AND BLACKS Council Chamber in one group "Northern League PADANIA - NEW BELLINZAGO"

Piergiorgio Blacks The City Council decided to separate from the council "to Bellinzago" creating a new symbol "New Bellinzago" which will form a new group together with the already independent adviser Massimo Dampierre.
Group Board will then start the "Lega Nord Padania - New Bellinzago" two names because despite clear common goals that those who purport to want to clearly distinguish the political from the civic.
Councillor Dampierre says, are excited about the opportunity to work with the Council Blacks as it is a person who works and tries to make to our community, seeking dialogue with citizens and contributing ever so beneficial to any request is the post. It has all my respect, not only politically but also personally.
Councillor Blacks says: I agree with the approach that Dampierre had with the people following the municipal elections, being young I see in him a great alternative for the good of Bellinzago also the commitment and closeness that shows the public are essential for our type of community . Hence the reason for my choice in supporting, both agreeing that the welfare of the city goes only by the constant presence in the area and always give clear answers.


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