The ravioli is a typical product of Italian cuisine. Basically you can describe as a square or rectangle of dough folded to contain a filling of meat, vegetables or cheese, depending on the various recipes locali.Per this will put 'available to all my clients, to ensure that the information they produce the best Pasta Ravioli, for variety' of filling for delicious 'authenticity and' material first used, only and strictly natural.
The ravioli, finally, can be served dry or in soup accompanied by sauces or sauces. The choice depends on the type of filling.
Few definite information about his birth and the culture that gave birth: squares of pasta containing a filling of meat or vegetables are common in several countries such as Germany, China, Japan and Thailand .
difficult, even dealing with the history of Western ravioli, is to establish a precise date of birth, although it is safe to emerge on tracks already in Giovanni Boccaccio in the Decameron ("... nothing else did make macaroni and ravioli and cook them ...").
The ravioli, then, is also changing its name, or changing in agnolotto agnellotto in Piedmont (small form), Anolini in Piacenza and Parma), tortello in Emilia and Lombardy, or pansoti pansotti in Liguria, Lombardy Marubini, tordelli tortello in north-western Tuscany and in the southern and coastal Maremma Romagna in beret and Pesaro (in this case, however, loses all of the form), while in the outcrop in the Ferrarese Irpinia are ravaiuoli and are called white paste.
One of the oldest versions of the recipe seems to be Genoese and - according to sources with a certain thickness culinary [citation needed] - to be able to meet special need of good ingredients.
Meanwhile, the dough should not be a common egg noodles, but rather a rich paste of water and less eggs. The filling, then, to be composed of borage, endives, sweetbreads, sausage, eggs, Parmesan cheese and sour milk. It is important that the vegetables sovrastino much the rest of the ingredients mentioned above.
Finally the sauce, which blends the major component also includes lean beef, oil, kidney, salt, onion, garlic, rosemary, red wine, tomato sauce. RECIPES
course in a square of pasta you can put more or less anything and then we can find ravioli with various fillings and condiments.
Nowadays you can find packaged ravioli in the world, especially where the Italian communities have a certain importance.
About 20 years ago a television broadcast said that the ravioli was invented in Gavi Ligure in the Middle Ages (when it was part of the Republic of Genoa) from a family Ravioli (surname that survives to this day).
fact Gavi (known for wine Cortese di Gavi DOCG) there is a "Brotherhood of ravioli and Gavi 'with a uniform that is designed to propagate the original recipe for ravioli.
addition to condiments above the ravioli can be served plain (in the area is called "butt naked") and also with a little water firing to which is added to red wine.