pasta or pasta is a food made from flour or meal of different origin divided into small regular shapes intended to be cooked with moist heat. The term pasta, pasta as a synecdoche, may also indicate a dish where the pasta is the main ingredient, with a sauce, a sauce or other seasoning.
The history of pasta
What was Marco Polo returning from China in 1295 to introduce the dough in the West is only a legend. This legend was born in the United States of America on the Macaroni Journal (published by an association of industrial with the aim of making the dough familiar to American consumers and promoted by government circles committed to supporting the cultivation of wheat).
In support of the thesis was that, among the wonders of the world described in the Million, speaking of the realm of Fansur, Marco Polo wrote that a great surprise, that there àn meal infancy, which are large and Àlbori Year thin skin, and inside are all full of flour and the pharyngeal [a] you eat a lot of pasta and good, and I ate several times at which, in the notes to the first Italian version, Giovan Battista Ramusio adds that the flour purged et worlds, that is, s'adopra, et you make the lasagna, et different dishes of pasta, of which he ate several times said Marco Polo, et he brought with him some in Venice, which is like barley bread, and say that flavor .... Therefore
Americans, says Joseph Prezzolini, "have not hesitated to take the text of Ramusio, have given a little push ... and have turned the test 'import from China of spaghetti.
Preparation of pasta, Tacuinum sanitatis Casanatense (XIV century). The word comes from the pasta Pasta (m), with πάστα from the greek meaning 'flour sauce' that derives from the verb that is pássein 'mix '. Stood since 1310 although search for the origins of pasta, called by other names, you can go back almost to the Neolithic Age (about 8000 BC) when the man began the cultivation of cereals and soon learned to grind, mix with water and dried in cooking or sun to preserve them for long. The paste is in fact a universal food that you find historical traces throughout the Eurasian continent. Acquires a particularly important position in Italy and China where there are two strands of prestigious culinary tradition that complement each other but it remains difficult to establish the relationship because of the complexity of intermediate trails.
"Who was among the gluttons
The inventor of macaroni There are endless disputes
Neither firm is still lite "
(G. Columbro, Muses family members," Mills of Italy, "No. 4, 1984)
The oldest, dating from around 4000 years ago , is given by a plate of spaghetti miles found in the north-west China at Lajia under three feet of sediment. [7] The Chinese invention, however, is considered independent by the west because the Chinese did not know at the time the wheat characteristic Arab and European productions.
In truth we can find traces of pasta already among the Etruscans, Arabs, Greeks and Romans. Chiara
the witness made to the Etruscans at Cerveteri from the tomb of Grotta Bella, dating from the fourth century BC, where mountains are to represent some of the tools used today for the production of homemade pasta as a pastry board, rolling pin and cutting wheel.
For the greek world and the Latin there are numerous citations from classical authors, including Aristophanes and Horace, [8] use the terms laganon (greek) and laganum (Latin) to indicate a mixture of flour and water, pulled and cut into strips. These lagane, still in use in southern Italy (from which we Laine), initially considered food of the poor acquire such dignity as to come in the fourth book of De re coquinaria [9] of the legendary gourmand Apicius. He describes in detail condiments leaving instructions for their preparation, suggesting that it was widely known.
For the Arabs, Ziryab, a musician, but also a passionate gastronome of the ninth century AD, describes mixtures of water and flour, similar to pasta. [10] In The delight for those who want to travel the world and published in 1154 Book of Roger, Al -Idrisi, the geographer of Roger II of Sicily, describes Trabia, a village 30 km from Palermo, as an area with many mills, where they made a pasta-shaped wire called itrya (itryah from Arabic meaning "to cut cake strips), which was sent by ship in abundance throughout the Mediterranean area is Muslim and Christian giving rise to a trade very active. This is the first written on the dough then enters the story.
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