Paccheri are a type of traditional Neapolitan pasta in the form of macaroni giants, generally made with durum wheat flour.
The term derives from the greek ancient (from "πας" (all) and "χειρ" (hand)) of the early founders of Parthenope and still used in Italian as "punch", or given a slap open hand, with no hostile intentions. Hence the name of the type of pasta, from the size much greater than normal, usually accompanied by delicious sauces. The paccheri can also be stuffed with ricotta cheese or other ingredients, and served with meat sauce. In
Courses I do, the Pasta learn to make a fresh Pacchera reflect 'all of the traditional Neapolitan typical products, both for its color ... YELLOW GOLD ....( meal using only top quality ') for cooking times, and sold also by CHEF more demanding, more accustomed to working with products of dry pasta. The same will do it for
Calamari, SUBMISSION PACCHERI E. ......... all that 'Pasta Fresca typical region.
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