Friday, May 28, 2010

Transfer Of Lici Agency To Other Branch


institutional communication
It must, indeed, the identity of a reality: in addition to not being bound to the spread of values, is all that identifies the image of a company, not by binding tightly to the economic performance, but assuming the social value of respect for transparency, or by increasing the perceived quality of that reality. It can be both public and private, and aims for a return to consensus, rather than money (instead of the target product communication). But often these two types of communication are wrongly associated, as it lacks a real sense of the diversity of the two areas (due with poor skills, lack of rules, opportunism, confusion of the communication system).
In this area would be a must, and transparency and clarity on this point, the Web is a winner with the weapon of 'traceability'. Paper, radio and TV, however, follow the same path, but are slowed by the time factor, while on the Internet are immediate feedbacks. Other forms of institutional communication relating to advertising, press releases (which require mediation, but mediation is not on the Web and the information is sent). Doing so means
communicators work for a client, public or private, with the aim of achieving a positive result thanks for that reality to their work. Private communication institutional approaches to the very fact of communication product, but unlike that always tries to maintain this high values \u200b\u200bof the 'brand' (which should be avoided but in public communication). The brand is the brand, the political message, slogan, the product of success. Isituzionale The brand can be a single person or a multiple reality (municipalities, Swiss Emmental, coca cola, etc..) Both have their own history, we recognize immediately even without captions (thanks to the logo only as the 'apple of Apple '), are pure communication and are therefore called "Comunicattive. The value to be transmitted is the value to sell which can be economic, personal, sharing and consensus.
The web gives a lot, but also demands a lot: who does corporate communication must be available to make public in a clear message that it would promote (whether direct or mediated through the network). The message must be quick to engage the user, so you use the script, pre-cooked phrases that link the effectiveness using the profiling of persons to whom they are addressed. Institutional communication through the web is wider, but still transparent and immediately verifiable (in our class thinks Gaspar: p), since it is open, as it provides an opportunity to request and receive immediately a response that can be automatic ("Thank you for contacting us, we will improve our service"), intelligent (the customer is directed, perhaps with a series of clicks that lead to various links) or more specific. Task for next week will be to actually browse the site for public or private institutional discover their part (communication, brand image), to see how visible their 'mission' and how it is made real and believable. Institutional communication
public vicecersa, aims to provide the community a range of information, services and tools, without him having to generate power on a "quid pro quo." Not seeking a profit, but offers a service (while the policy is oriented towards the search for consensus). On the Web, it must have some fundamental characteristics: usability, accessibility, interactivity and transparency. Usability is the ease of access, the presence of logical sections and accessible, the site map (you need to understand the philosophy that lies at the base).
Trees navigation foreign sites are easier than the Italians, who have facilities 'baroque' and twisted. Some examples seen in class:

- Chamber of Deputies: Everything about the results in the institutional activities quotidiana.Tutte communications are short and 'cooked', ie written in a journalistic, to facilitate copy and paste information sites. Finally, although it is among the best Italian institutional sites, has a building in the wrong map.
- English Government: It has an excellent navigation tree. Submit news like a newspaper, no frills, a courageous choice because the site does not make use of the media, but the government is to provide all the information, including a good multi-media (video, audio, images, downloadable). There is no difference between a journalist and a reporter from the site of the English government: if the news is good, just go on the government website, also has the possibility of incorporating a variety of information user (traceability, routes and statistics).
- Government of France: A website imaginative, very 'visual' and not 'to read', beautiful but difficult emotions. Its uniqueness is a strong interaction with citizens.
- UK Government: masterfully combines technology and communication, namely the relationship that develops between the power and the citizen.


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