WHAT 'THE atmosphere packaging (or amended) (MAP) The atmosphere changed (or protected) is a technique for preserving the quality food that is based on controlling the atmosphere inside the packaging of the product packaging alimentare.Il protective atmosphere (Mo. .. dified Atmosphere Packaging MAP) is the extreme development of the plastic film packaging of foods, now started in the early decades of the 1900.Il modified atmosphere packaging is a packaging system that provides for the elimination or the drastic reduction of oxygen present in food packages, which can significantly increase the durability (shelf life) products. In modified atmosphere packaging oxygen environment (20.95%), is replaced with an inert gas inside the package: nitrogen, oxygen, carbon dioxide or mixtures thereof. Approximately the lower the residual oxygen content inside the package, more will be the life of the product. Typically you try to bring this residual amount to less than 0.5%, limiting in this way: the color changes or degradation;
lipid oxidation;
microbicaOltre proliferation to maintain the appearance original organoleptic characteristics are ensured of the product. In some cases, however, oxygen is needed to keep alive the characteristic color of red meat, and some viable microorganisms in some milk products. It is therefore essential to control the gas mixture and the remaining oxygen during and after confezionamento.L 'casing itself (film, tray, etc..) Can present, by its nature, a different reactivity and porosity to the gas molecules of the atmosphere changed: it can leave them pass out more or less likely if it is done more or less permeable material, also a function of temperature. For this reason, modern packaging are made mostly from plastic polymers, which must have very low gas permeability, a condition which must be capable of maintaining the temperature at which is the preservation of the food. Together with the packaging material, the choice of machine and packaging system are factors that strongly influence the effectiveness of the operation, because they act on the premises of the pack, which must be sealed, and the maintenance of the gas mixture to its interno.La word "atmosphere", introduced by Prime Ministerial Decree 311/1997, is synonymous with MAP (Modified Atmosphere Packaging) and refers to conservation through the 'use of gas packaging allowed. The adoption of this system of retention must be declared on the label, as well as down the recent EU Regulation on food labeling, which states that the term "atmosphere" must appear between the directions on the label when the product life has been extended by gas imballaggio.I gas used for packaging sottovuotoI gas that are used are different and each has its own target of food: Nitrogen (N2) - inert gas that has no chemical interactions with the substances it comes into contact and does not exert any bacteriostatic action. Suitable for dried fruit, coffee, chips, and most dry products;
Carbon Dioxide (CO2) - gas that exerts a strong bacteriostatic function related to the presence of water and / or fats in the food and the storage temperature because solubilized in the product. Suitable for pasta, chicken, pizza, baked goods, and some dairy products;
Oxygen (O2) - gas used only at high concentration To keep the red color of meat, and to levels around 10% is particularly suitable for certain milk products (gorgonzola) to support the respiratory metabolism of molds
Helium (He) - used to detect gas leaks from food packs ;
Argon (Ar) - chemical and physical properties very similar to nitrogen dioxide molecule but how much heavier. It is preferred to nitrogen to remove oxygen from the packaging;
nitrogen dioxide (N2O) - gas used exclusively for the propulsion of spray cream.
TYPES modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) In general, there are three basic types of packaging in protective atmospheres: Atmosphere with high concentrations of oxygen (O2) are those which help to stabilize the red color of meat rich in myoglobin and hemoglobin. In fishery products, there are not many species much red meat, but among these are the tuna, so this must be considered. In this way, however, is likely to encourage excessive development of the bacterial species most typically aerobic (Pseudomonas and Alteromonas, molds and yeasts) that are responsible for the rapid decay of the organoleptic characteristics of food. This proliferation is slowed down (but not locked in the all) by the addition of moderate concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2). Do not forget also that in the presence of high concentrations of oxygen can be promoted fat oxidation phenomena which constitute the first step towards their irrancidimento.Atmosfere to reduced concentrations of oxygen and high in this case dioxide carbonica.In , the aim is to maximize the antimicrobial effect of CO2 and generally get excellent results as increased shelf life of the product. Also like atmospheres are able to keep a good red meat are rich in myoglobin and hemoglobin, but only if oxygen is present only in traces if not completely absent. Doing so creates an environment very close to anaerobic food, favoring the multiplication of anaerobic microbial species tend to like Clostridium one side and the other lactic acid bacteria. It is precisely this proliferation of lactic acid bacteria flora, which is due in large part an extension of shelf life alimentari.Atmosfera controllata.In this case you must ensure that entered the atmosphere near the food remains constant throughout the duration of preservation. In practice, such control can only be obtained over large areas of storage (cold storage, container). Such environments must be equipped with special sensors to monitor changes in gas pressure inside the cell and spare cylinders that Always ensure to enter new gas mixture inside the store as they present one is consumed.
What can we packed in protective atmosphere? fresh and mature cheese, grated cheese
cream, yogurt, milk powder
sandwiches with cheese or ham sandwiches, quiches
delicatessen products: capricious, Russian, jellies, pates, pies, rice salad
cold cuts in pieces or ham, bacon, blood sausage
meat, pork sausage, hot dogs with sauerkraut
croissants, pastries, baked goods
loaves of bread, pizza, porridge, piada, cakes, pastries, wafers, marshmallows, "lies"
breadcrumbs pasta: tagliatelle, gnocchi, ravioli, trofie, corsets,
orecchiette with sweet jam, sweets in general, "lies", meringues, pastries, wafers
fresh red and white: beef, pork, horse
minced meat, hamburgers, meatballs
gravies, sauces, pesto
meat cooked, vacuum-cooked dishes in general: roasts, stews, roast chicken, pasta dishes ...
typically noodles
fresh poultry and game
smoked meats, whole fresh fish or fillets, shellfish, crustaceans
smoked fish, salted fish
mullet roe and tuna
fruits and vegetables in general, not cut and washed, dried fruit, coffee
bottles of vintage wine
flowers (gerberas Brazil)
beverages, usually
electrical and electronic components
archaeological finds: papyrus, ancient textiles , incunabula, codes, organic remains
archival documents on plain paper, notes, film reels
and fur garments dry cleaned, pillows The advantages of vacuum packaging or map for your clientiIl vacuum packaging or modified atmosphere has a number of benefits that may be of interest to all users or some of them: food fresh longer in the chiller cabinet in the cell, at home, in transit, during processing
increase in the level of hygiene in line with HACCP
maintaining the organoleptic characteristics, nutritional and wholesomeness
less use of preservatives and preservation treatments
image of the period; it communicates innovation, customer care, hygiene, freshness, customer service
: ready packages of self-service more attractive to impulse purchases
dishes ready for use and disposal
wider range of weight loss and waste; less
cost savings on purchasing food
seasonal efficiency of service management, programming easy, lower personnel costs
easy storage and transport, use of smaller spaces.