BUT ...... . WHAT 'Celiac Disease?
Celiac disease is a permanent intolerance to gluten, a protein found in oats, wheat, barley, kamut, barley, rye and toxic triticale.CiĆ² makes all foods derived from these cereals containing gluten or later to contamination. Gluten intolerance in fact creates serious damage to the intestinal mucosa such as villous atrophy. The incidence of this intolerance in Italy is estimated at 100/150 people every subject. I would therefore potentially celiac 400 000, but only 35 000 were diagnosed. Each year 5,000 new diagnoses are made each year and 2,800 new born with celiac disease, with an annual increase of 9%. To treat celiac disease, at present, should therefore be excluded from the diet some of the most common foods such as bread, pasta, biscuits and pizza, but also to remove the smallest traces of flour from each pot. This implies a strong commitment to nutrition education. In fact, the consumption of gluten, even in small doses, can cause danni.La gluten-free diet, conducted with rigor, is the only treatment that guarantees the celiac a perfect state of health.
What is Gluten Gluten is a protein contained in certain cereals: wheat, barley, barley, rye, oats. Following a gluten-free diet means avoiding foods containing these cereals and their derivatives. You can instead use other foods such as rice, maize, millet, cassava and others. Many food companies have marketed gluten-free foods more pleasing: to replace the wheat flour, bread, pasta, biscuits, cakes, crackers, bread sticks, biscuits, snacks. The celiac diet is so varied and balanced, despite the exclusion of gluten.
In genetically susceptible 's introduction of foods containing gluten, such as pasta, bread, biscuits or even traces of flour derived from prohibited grains, results in abnormal immune response in the gut, which results in chronic inflammation with disappearance of intestinal villi. Important and sometimes fatal diseases arising from late diagnosis: osteoporosis, infertility, repeated miscarriages, short stature in children, diabetes mellitus, autoimmune thyroiditis, alopecia, epilepsy with cerebral calcifications and the dreaded intestinal lymphoma. Celiac disease is not always present openly. In fact, his clinical forms can be manifold. The typical form has symptoms such as diarrhea and growth arrest (after weaning), the atypical is presented late with symptoms mainly extraintestinal (eg anemia), that Dumbledore has the peculiarity that there is no blatant symptoms and potential (or latent) is highlighted with positive serology but normal intestinal biopsy. The diagnosis of celiac disease is made by serologic assays: the AGA (antigliadin antibodies IgA and IgG), the EMA (endomysial antibody IgA). It has recently been developed a new test for the determination of IgA antibodies, anti-transglutaminase. For the diagnosis Celiac disease is essential, however, definitive biopsy of the small intestine with the removal of a fragment of tissue, the histological examination of which you can determine the villous atrophy.
addition to courses for Pasta production of hard and soft wheat, runs for Stores that want to produce fresh pasta for CELIAC , using only high quality raw materials' and strictly Gluten-free .
during the course will address issues specific to have knowledge on everything related to the COELIAC .
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