E 'came within a whisker of victory in "Italy's Got Talent", which then saw triumph of the opera singer Carmen Masola, but has not lost his nerve. The 19 year old singer of Riva del Garda (Trento), Federico Fattinger, was presented to the test of "Friends" and passed the first selection, as stated on page Facebook.A "Italy's Got Talent" had impressed the three judges ( Gerry Scotti, Rudy Zerbi and of course Maria De Filippi) for his song "Why I believe", dedicated to his late mother. But in the end got the better Masola Carmen and won.
"Nice, outgoing, sweet, a little 'touchy, always looking for new friends, and child in the great outdoors, sometimes stubborn and manic hair." So the songwriter describes on her MySpace page and tries to keep up to date his fans (he has two Facebook pages with nearly 5 thousand subscribers, a ceiling and an official fan page) on its 'movement'. Not least, the test for the next edition of "Friends" that has been successful: "Back! FRIENDS past first audition." You just have to wait if it can overcome the next step. good luck
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