Pierpaolo Pasolini, Sabaudia in a windy day: "The regime today is a democratic regime: quell'acculturazione, quell'omologazione that fascism had failed completely to get the power to Today he has acquired, the consumer society destroys the various particular situations, actually removing the various ways of being human that Italy has produced. Quest'acculturazione destroys Italy, the real fascism today is the consumer society that is rapidly destroying Italy. Italy is gone. " The changing socio-economic and devastating perceived by Pasolini slow today, probably reached its peak, the era of nothing is in place, Herbert Marcuse did not come to imagine the resulting monodimensionality the very essence of the world, the absence of 'human being, the split himself in the mass. Almost as
alchemy, atomization: the man has disappeared in the market.
There is a free man in one thought: the differentiation is one of the steps in creating individual, the herd is deflected by the strong powers, and it states what the system wants to be told, eat what the system wants us to eat, dresses like the system wants to dress, think about what the system wants to think, it is believed that the system wants us to believe: "I felt sorry for those kids crammed in the gym trying to look like what they said Calvin Klein or Tommy Hilfiger, "feels that it was the extraordinary feature film Fight Club
The only thing clear now is the market: the consumer society does not create equality, but it creates inequality, approved, and the man is possessed by what he has.
The world no longer will, but only representation. The globalization of intelligence, the global reflection of the great hoax of freedom, the freedom in this Italy is constitutionalized, but is perceived as volatile as virtual memory, the work order to work the very next day most of the factory mercificante Marxist. Today, to paraphrase Toni Negri, there is no alienation of the factory, the man is a slave wage machinery, modern alienation, ergo, a slow destruction of telematics: a little known ' Orwell. The utopia has become reality, we are invisible in a world of appearances: to be is secondary. The Engels
factories today are others: the whole world today is factory. Live to consume: the economic policy requires us to increase consumption, because production can grow the economy turns, the cars should move us all, even slaves to be slaves of the empire in any case. Servants of the servants of themselves.
Lost authenticity of being, the old traditions, destroyed the basic values \u200b\u200bof Europe has sold us to the liberal model and, conversely, to the American and americanizzante, no history is lost light, man is spirit and spirit also has deep roots that sink deep into the earth and ever. As you may tend to infinity and the eternal beauty without having them? - Italy of showgirls and tronista: pretend we live in a society. They are useless ad campaigns against drugs, are tautological, are affixed only to put some seedy-bourgeois consciousness, the weakest in an empty world are destined to self-annihilation: the paradox of the paradox lies in young people who try to forget emptying empty life with the sound of rave. Or more likely try to fill the emptiness with some desire noisy, young people trying to escape from themselves not to find himself again. Escape fear of a world that has become hell, because it is their enemy, the fear of the transcendent, to the hope of death. Modernity has become numbing of the minds: paradoxically, the broadening of horizons, borders and a famous social emancipation mixed ratio of the economic miracle was the decline of values, in the heat sessantottino it ended up confusing the teleological with the instrument. The fair fight against a power far too conservative but became the transvaluation traditional morality, trying to destroy what was rotten at the roots pulled up the grass beneficial. But Tolkien tells us that the deep roots do not freeze. Very few times in the history
men were able to be an extraordinary example for all humanity. Among the ruins of Evola in the woods of Jünger and indifference of the crowds arazionale alogical and Nietzschean hero must meet with their consciences, reread, reflect, take back your time, try to meet again and pick up where we had lost. E 'need an awakening of thought. It should be carefully re-analyzed everything from secularization, representative democracy, globalization of consumerism, capitalism and liberalism, especially, we must try to understand where the train is going to progress and modernity that runs over half a century at breakneck speed. Before it's too late.
alchemy, atomization: the man has disappeared in the market.
There is a free man in one thought: the differentiation is one of the steps in creating individual, the herd is deflected by the strong powers, and it states what the system wants to be told, eat what the system wants us to eat, dresses like the system wants to dress, think about what the system wants to think, it is believed that the system wants us to believe: "I felt sorry for those kids crammed in the gym trying to look like what they said Calvin Klein or Tommy Hilfiger, "feels that it was the extraordinary feature film Fight Club
The only thing clear now is the market: the consumer society does not create equality, but it creates inequality, approved, and the man is possessed by what he has.
The world no longer will, but only representation. The globalization of intelligence, the global reflection of the great hoax of freedom, the freedom in this Italy is constitutionalized, but is perceived as volatile as virtual memory, the work order to work the very next day most of the factory mercificante Marxist. Today, to paraphrase Toni Negri, there is no alienation of the factory, the man is a slave wage machinery, modern alienation, ergo, a slow destruction of telematics: a little known ' Orwell. The utopia has become reality, we are invisible in a world of appearances: to be is secondary. The Engels
factories today are others: the whole world today is factory. Live to consume: the economic policy requires us to increase consumption, because production can grow the economy turns, the cars should move us all, even slaves to be slaves of the empire in any case. Servants of the servants of themselves.
Lost authenticity of being, the old traditions, destroyed the basic values \u200b\u200bof Europe has sold us to the liberal model and, conversely, to the American and americanizzante, no history is lost light, man is spirit and spirit also has deep roots that sink deep into the earth and ever. As you may tend to infinity and the eternal beauty without having them? - Italy of showgirls and tronista: pretend we live in a society. They are useless ad campaigns against drugs, are tautological, are affixed only to put some seedy-bourgeois consciousness, the weakest in an empty world are destined to self-annihilation: the paradox of the paradox lies in young people who try to forget emptying empty life with the sound of rave. Or more likely try to fill the emptiness with some desire noisy, young people trying to escape from themselves not to find himself again. Escape fear of a world that has become hell, because it is their enemy, the fear of the transcendent, to the hope of death. Modernity has become numbing of the minds: paradoxically, the broadening of horizons, borders and a famous social emancipation mixed ratio of the economic miracle was the decline of values, in the heat sessantottino it ended up confusing the teleological with the instrument. The fair fight against a power far too conservative but became the transvaluation traditional morality, trying to destroy what was rotten at the roots pulled up the grass beneficial. But Tolkien tells us that the deep roots do not freeze. Very few times in the history
men were able to be an extraordinary example for all humanity. Among the ruins of Evola in the woods of Jünger and indifference of the crowds arazionale alogical and Nietzschean hero must meet with their consciences, reread, reflect, take back your time, try to meet again and pick up where we had lost. E 'need an awakening of thought. It should be carefully re-analyzed everything from secularization, representative democracy, globalization of consumerism, capitalism and liberalism, especially, we must try to understand where the train is going to progress and modernity that runs over half a century at breakneck speed. Before it's too late.
Massimiliano Scalisi
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